
Pinterest Remorse

For any of you guys that follow me on Pinterest, you know I' an avid pinner.  Frankly, I don't know what I did before Pinterest.  I feel the same way about reality tv, but that's a whole 'nother addiction, and I have plenty.  I saw a couple of things this evening that I loved and as I was clicking the "repin" button, I was thinking to myself, "I am going to regret this." 

I shit you not, about ten minutes later, my bestie texts me.  The following coversation ensued:

Me: Hey, how was your day?
BFF: Is there something you have to tell me?
Me: No, I worked until 7:15, had dinner and I am just getting home.
BFF:  I haven't talked to you all day and you're pinning baby shit?  I'm getting concerned.
Me: I pinned them to source a couple things and the other seemed like a good ab workout!  Believe me, when that happens, I'll be calling you, screaming bloody murder!
BFF: I'll be so excited, so hurry the f*#k up!

So, this is a classic case of pinners remorse, friends.  I'm not on the baby train, not even close.  I don't know how I would ever style my outfit posts around another human expanding my waistline ;)

Will have a new lens tomorrow (finally) and can't wait to show you guys some new stuff!  Mis syou, love you, kiss kiss, boom!



  1. I love this. You are too cute.


  2. Too funny - never too soon to prepare!! Happy Sunday!

  3. Haha so so funny. At least you are prepared :)

    xo, Amy

    1. I don't think you are ever prepared... at least I wouldnt be!
