

Gallery Walls

I have to admit that I haven't been feeling terribly inspired as of late, but when I saw this gallery wall in Country Living's 2010 House of the Year last week, I've been fired up to do one myself.  Can you believe that all these pieces came from one small paperback book that costs $10?  I am heading to Barnes and Noble immediately!

Do you have a gallery wall of some sort in your home?  I may after this weekend!!



  1. Hey Sarah,
    I have been contemplating a gallery type effect in my dining area...I am going to take a picture of it and see if you have any ideas! My favorite example from your selection is from Decor Pad with the orange walls. If you do wind up with a gallery wall this weekend or soon, do post on it!
    <3 Sara (taf)

  2. Taf: I LOVE the orange room, too, but my favorite is actually the last room. Too bad I don't have stairs... The content of the Country Living house came from a $10 book called Art in Nature and I am trying to find it because the colors would be perfect in my house. I have three places to put a gallery wall, so I have to decide where I want it most. I'm thinking the dining room would be best, but I also am feeling a change above the mantle or in the breakfast area... decisions, decisions.
